Auto Repair Estimate Cost And Procedure
Our auto repair estimate includes a free basic inspection that consists of visual evaluations on wear items such as suspension, brakes, belts, and hoses as well as checking fluid conditions.
Diagnostics is the second half of our inspection. Unfortunately, mainstream automotive chains have tainted this term by making customers think plugging your car into a computer reveals the problem without fail. In reality, diagnostic testing only provides a list of potential problems. That’s why we do this part a little differently at Paul Campanella’s Auto and Tire Center. We call it Testing and Inspections. Included are diagnostics scans and an in-depth examination to rule out all possibilities which allow us to identify the exact issue. By following this auto repair estimate procedure, we provide the most accurate repair estimate possible.
Troubleshooting Wiring Harness
An average auto repair estimate runs between $65 and $145 depending on the depth and severity of the needed repairs with 95% of your cost covering actual testing time. On the rare occasion that estimate costs would exceed $145, we pause all work and make sure to contact the customer with updates on everything that has been tested, what still needs to be completed and the cost involved. For example, if your car had an electrical problem it would be necessary to gain access to various areas of the wiring harness to find the problem. This is time-consuming work which could raise the cost of the auto repair estimate.
At Paul Campanella’s Auto and Tire Center we take great pride in our Certified Technicians and use top of the line equipment capable of servicing all makes and models. We require that our technicians personally inspect the issue, regardless of whether or not another shop has already performed one. This way we can fully stand behind our work which will provide you the best auto repair services.
Article by Joey Campanella
Paul Campanella's Auto Centers is a family owned auto service center with five locations in the Delaware Valley. Our mission is to provide the most skilled work, with the highest integrity delivering the most convenient service for our customers.
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